These volunteer officers relieve regular line officers from performing auxiliary tasks and other functions that deplete the number of regular officers on the street.
The Auxiliary unit is used in a variety of functions ranging from crowd and traffic control to assisting regular officers search a crime scene for evidence. The unit is used also for disasters (i.e., to secure areas and direct traffic because of downed power lines, flood areas and many other disaster situations).
Ferndale Police Auxiliary members receive a great deal of training, both ongoing as well as formal training. Ongoing training is done locally at the department or around the station (if the auxiliary is practicing traffic direction). The Auxiliary Coordinator directs all training.
Duties And Responsibilities
Formal training is conducted at Oakland Community College, Oakland Police Academy. The Auxiliary receives 120 hours of classroom and range time, covering 14 topics in the classroom. Topics include:
- public relations
- criminal law
- civil liability
- vehicle stops
- mechanics of arrest
- patrol techniques
- police communication
- report writing
- drunk driving enforcement
- traffic direction and control
- first aid
- narcotics and dangerous drugs
- firearms training
- defensive tactics
- The unit also receives OC (pepper spray) training through the department and CPR/First-Aid Certification annually.
In Ferndale, the department has always provided our auxiliary members with shirts, pants, hats, badges, coats, bullet resistant vests and name badges.
Auxiliary members are also required to purchase a department-approved firearm, all leather gear (belts, holsters, belt keepers and cuff case). Other equipment includes flashlights, whistles, rain hat covers, radio holsters, pepper spray case and other incidentals. This equipment cost can exceed $1,500.
The Auxiliary unit is a group of dedicated volunteers striving for the betterment and safety of the City of Ferndale and its residents.
Some Functions Performed By The Auxiliary Unit Include
- State Fair pedestrian crosswalk
- Memorial Day Parade directing traffic and security at the parade
- Dream Cruise traffic and crowd control
- House Check Program (when residents are going to be away on vacation or any other situations they can notify the Ferndale Police Department and have their homes checked by uniformed Auxiliary officers)
- Surveillance projects (capacity of observation and reporting via radio)
- Evidence searches at crime scenes (assisting the Detective Bureau)
- Devil's Night patrol
- Halloween patrol
- Downtown details: Christman tree lighting ceremony
- Art Fair
- Pride Fest
- Attend funerals and/used as honor guards
- State and National Police Memorial representation in Washington, D.C.
- Foot Frolic
- Crop Walk
- Fraternal Order of Police zoo trip
- Olympic Torch Run
- 9-11 Memorial Service
- Homecoming parade
- Ferndale High School sports
- Flag Raising ceremony
- Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics
- Fraternal Order of Police Santa Visitation
- Many other city functions
- The requirements to become an auxiliary officer in Ferndale are as follows:
- Have a high school diploma
- Be subjected to a background check
- Have no criminal record
- Pass an oral board interview
- Approval and acceptance by the command staff of the Ferndale Police Department