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City of Philadelphia

Public Works Maintenance Trainee



Announcement Details

Exam Announcement Details

Exam Title Public Works Maintenance Trainee

Exam Number 7H02-20240819-OC-00

Salary $40,504 - $44,023 per year. New employees will be appointed at the first step in the pay range for this class.

Certification Rule Rule of List

Competition Open-Competitive


Announcement Date 08/19/2024

Close Date 08/30/2024

General Definition

This is training level trades work. Employees in this class perform work in the Water Department, the Department of Public Property, the Streets Department, or the Department of Aviation developing the knowledge and skills necessary for advancement in an area of trade specialization. Employees perform rudimentary maintenance and repair work under the guidance of a higher-level trades worker. Assignments expand in complexity as employee’s progress. Satisfactory completion of training and achievement of required minimum proficiencies are required for advancement. Work includes some disagreeable aspects and requires physical exertion. Work is performed under the direction of a technical superior.

Union Code M. AFSCME D.C.33

FLSA Code Non-Exempt

Application Procedures


Thank you for your interest in employment with the City of Philadelphia. Please refer to the important information below regarding this job opportunity.

  • You must complete the entire application process, provide accurate and up to date contact information, and submit all certifications, required licenses, and relevant documentation with each application or email the documents as an attachment to the Human Resources Representative listed below prior to the date of the exam.
  • Notification of application approval, disapproval, and testing dates will be sent within the three-week period prior to September 16, 2024. Applicants are responsible for regularly checking their email and providing any additional information requested or application status appeals within the two-week period listed in the notice.
  • The analyst responsible for reviewing applications and additional documentation for this job opportunity is

April Graham

City of Philadelphia – Office of Human Resources

1401 JFK Blvd., Room 1530

Philadelphia, PA 19102-1675

Phone: 215-686-2342

Fax: 215-686-0861

Email: [email protected]

  • For all other inquiries please contact Customer Service at 215-686-0880 or email [email protected]

Minimum Requirements

Minimum Training, Education & Experience

The following statement represents the minimum training and experience standards which will be used to admit or reject applicants for tests. Candidates must meet requirements within 30 days after the last date for filing applications.

  • EDUCATION : Education equivalent to completion of the twelfth school grade.




Successful completion of a minimum of six months in the Philadelphia Water Department Community Apprenticeship Program in the area of assignment.


Option 2

Successful completion of a minimum of six months in the Philadelphia Department of Public Property Maintenance Apprenticeship Program.


Option 3

Successful completion of a minimum of six months in the Streets Department’s formal high school or workforce development internship program in Roadway Maintenance.


Option 4

Successful completion of a Department of Aviation workforce development program.

NOTE : Selective Factor Certification may be utilized, as needed, to fill specific positions. In accordance with Civil Service Regulation 11.032 – Selective Factor Certification – the appointing authority may request certification of eligible candidates who have completed one of the specified high school internships to fill specific positions in this class. Certification to fill such position will be made from the two highest-ranking eligible candidates on the eligible list who have completed the specified high school internship.

Physical & Medical Requirements

Ability to physically perform the duties and to work in the environmental conditions required of a position in this class.

Required Licenses & Certifications

Possession of a valid proper class motor vehicle operator’s license as issued by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania six months after appointment as a Public Works Maintenance Trainee, if required by work assignment.

Possession of a valid proper class motor vehicle operator’s license as issued by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania at the time of appointment and during tenure of employment as a Public Works Maintenance Trainee for the Highway Maintenance Assignment.

Other Requirements


Candidates MUST submit a copy of their official college or university transcript(s) indicating completion of the educational requirement and all required licenses, registrations, or certifications at the time of application. Transcripts MUST indicate conference of the appropriate degree. Candidates with a degree from foreign colleges or universities must submit proof of degree as certified by a professional evaluation service.

Candidates MUST submit a copy of their license, registration, or certification.

If you have ever submitted a paper transcript, license, registration, or certification for any City of Philadelphia civil service examination, you have to submit another document

Option 1 – Upload a paperless transcript, license, registration, or certification – One time only!

You may upload documents into your account and attach a document with this application. Once the document is uploaded to your account, it may be attached to all future applications. Attaching your document will save you time and money if you apply for an examination in the future, and you will be assured that your transcript cannot be misplaced.

Your documents should be uploaded and attached to your application before it is submitted. They cannot be uploaded or added to your application electronically after your application has been submitted.

Option 2 – Submit a paper transcript, license, registration, or certification – Separate document required for each application

If you submit a paper copy of a transcript, license, registration or certification, the document will be used for this application only. You will have to submit documents again whenever you apply for an examination in the future. Paper documents will not be retained and will not be returned to applicants.

Mailing Address For Paper Transcript And Other Required Materials

April Graham

City of Philadelphia – Office of Human Resources

1401 JFK Blvd., Room 1530

Philadelphia, PA 19102-1675

Phone: 215-686-2342

Fax: 215-686-0861

Email: [email protected]

Equivalency Statement(s)

Application Details

Notes to Applicants

As an employer, the City of Philadelphia values inclusion, integrity, innovation, empowerment, and hard work above all else. We offer a vibrant work environment, comprehensive health care and benefits, and the experience you need to grow and excel. If you’re interested in working with a passionate team of people who care about the future of Philadelphia, start here.

What We Offer

Impact – The work you do here matters to millions.

Growth – Philadelphia is growing, why not grow with it?

Diversity & Inclusion – Find a career in a place where everyone belongs


Benefits - We care about your well being

The City of Philadelphia is a Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program qualified employer.

Learn more here:

The City of Philadelphia is an Equal Opportunity employer and does not permit discrimination based on race, ethnicity, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, disability, marital status, source of income, familial status, genetic information or domestic or sexual violence victim status. If you believe you were discriminated against, call the Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations at 215-686-4670 or send an email to [email protected] . For more information, go to:

The City of Philadelphia is committed to ensuring access to Civil Service examinations by providing appropriate accommodation for candidates with documented medical or religious reasons. Candidates may request accommodation for a Civil Service examination by contacting the Equal Employment Opportunity / Affirmative Action Unit of the Philadelphia Department of Labor at 215-683-5085. The accommodation process is interactive and requires cooperation and communication between the applicant requesting a test accommodation and the EEO Unit. Decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis using the required documentation that is submitted. Requests are to be made in a timely manner prior to the scheduled date of the Civil Service examination.

As a condition of employment with the City, any person offered employment shall be required to certify that such person either is fully current on any and all debts, taxes, fees, judgments, claims, and other accounts and obligations due and owing to the City; or has voluntarily entered into a payment agreement with the City. For so long as the person is employed by the City, the amount of the payment as set forth in the payment agreement (not to exceed, for any pay period, twenty percent (20%) of the person’s gross pay for such period, without the person’s consent) shall be withheld from each paycheck until such payment agreement is fully satisfied.

Such person shall also be required to certify as a condition of employment that he or she is fully current on any and all debts, taxes, fees, judgments, claims, and other accounts and obligations due and owing to the Philadelphia Gas Works ( PGW ) or has voluntarily entered into a payment agreement with PGW .

Failure to enter into a payment agreement shall result in the cancellation of the appointment and removal from the certification. The name of the eligible candidate will be returned to the eligible list.

Only an on-line application will be accepted for this exam. Paper applications will not be accepted.

Computers are available in the 3-1-1 Walk-In Center located in Room 167 of City Hall (Weekdays from 9 AM to 5 PM) and at your local Philadelphia Free Library branch.

For inquiries regarding City employment, contact the Office of Human Resources Monday through Friday between 8 AM and 4 PM by telephone at 215-686-0880 or by email at [email protected]

ALL Applications must be received by the end of business on August 30, 2024.

Your application will be rejected, and you will be disqualified from competing in this examination if you:

  • Do not provide your complete and accurate social security number.
  • Attempt to practice fraud or deception in the preparation of this application

All correspondence and notifications will be sent to your e-mail address or postal address listed in the contact information (address, phone #, e-mail) of your account profile. Your contact information will be automatically updated each time you submit an application for employment. It is your responsibility to change your contact information and to ensure that it is correct.

If you provide an e-mail address, all correspondence regarding this examination will be sent to you by e-mail. You should add [email protected] to your address book or list of trusted contacts to prevent notices from being marked as spam by your e-mail provider.

Please call the Office of Human Resources at 215-686-0880 or email [email protected] if you have any questions.

Information concerning employment with the City of Philadelphia may be found at:


OPEN - COMPETITIVE : Only an Open-Competitive eligible list will be established as a result of this examination. Permanent City employees will receive no promotional preference in this examination.

Candidates who pass the exam and are placed on the civil service list will be retained on the list for a minimum of one year and a maximum of two years after the establishment of the Eligible List.

RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT : Philadelphia residency is not required to submit an application howeverApplicants must have established bona fide residency in the City of Philadelphia for one year prior to appointment.

Preference For Philadelphia Residents

Candidates who have maintained a bona fide residence in Philadelphia for at least one year prior to the date of the civil service examination shall have priority over all other persons receiving an identical test score. If you have maintained a bona fide residence in Philadelphia for at least one year immediately preceding September 16, 2024, you are eligible to claim residency preference.

To receive such preference, candidates must respond to the question regarding residence later in this form.

The response on this application will be used to determine eligibility for preference for residents. Documentation of residence may be required if there is any question as to whether you meet the residency preference requirements.

If an applicant does not respond to the appropriate residence question, it will be assumed that the applicant does not qualify for residence preference. Eligibility for residence preference must be determined by the date of the test administration. No requests for residence preference will be granted after the test administration.

U.S. VETERAN’S PREFERENCE – Ten points for veteran’s preference will be added to the scores of eligible veterans who apply for open competitive tests and pass the examination. You must be honorably discharged from the U.S. armed forces. Attach a DD214, member 4, to your application if you wish your eligibility to be reviewed. Spouses of disabled or deceased veterans may also be considered.

LEGACY PREFERENCE – The children or grandchildren of Philadelphia Firefighters or Police Officers who were killed or died in the line of duty shall be accorded a preference in open competitive civil service entrance examinations. Candidates who qualify for this preference and who take and pass open competitive civil service examinations shall have ten points added to their final score. The candidate must successfully pass all parts of the examination before points are awarded.

NATIONAL VOLUNTEER SERVICE PREFERENCE – Up To 5 Additional Points Will Be Added To The Examination Score Of Any Candidate Who Has Passed The Open Competitive Examination And Who Has

Successfully completed a term of volunteer service with Peace Corps, AmeriCorps NCCC (including FEMA Corps), or AmeriCorps VISTA .

Such candidates will be awarded five (5) points for the completion of a two-year term of service or three (3) points for the completion of a one year term of service.

B. Successfully completed at least 450 hours of service with AmeriCorps State and National (including Teach for America).

Such Candidates Will Have

  • 1 point added to their final score if they have completed 450 Hours of the above service.
  • 2 points added to their final score if they have completed 675 Hours of the above service.
  • 3 points added to their final score if they have completed 900 Hours of the above service.
  • 5 points added to their final score if they have completed 1700 Hours of the above service.

The candidate must successfully pass all parts of the examination before points are awarded.


For exams announced after May 1, 2023, excluding Police and Fire entry level exams, candidates who successfully pass the open-competitive examination shall have up to 5 points added to their final score in accordance with Regulation 9.0670.

Only those competitors who have a passing grade in all parts of the examination shall receive additional credits to which they may be entitled. The following requirements must be satisfied for a candidate to receive additional credits for examinations.

  • Candidates must have completed and graduated from a career technical education ( CTE ) program of the School District of Philadelphia during the three-year period immediately preceding the examination announcement open date.
  • Candidates may claim the additional credit at any time after the date that the examination is announced, until 30 days after the Established List of Candidates is approved by the Director or his/her designee.
  • If the 5 additional points from the CTE preference would rank a CTE graduate above a veteran, additional points shall be applied to the CTE candidate’s passing score to rank them directly below the veteran.
  • Candidates must submit adequate documentation including high school transcript with completion of CTE Program as required by the Office of Human Resources.

Projected Exam Date

Modified Training And Experience Evaluation

This is a modified Training and Experience evaluation. Approved applicants will receive a score of 70 and any additional preference points to be ranked on the eligible list. Applicants will not be asked to appear to take a scheduled examination.

An Eligible List will be established the week of September 16, 2024. Please note that this date may change.

Test Review

In accordance with Civil Service Regulation 9.091D, candidates may review their answer sheets and other test papers to determine if they have been scored correctly or if there has been an irregularity in the administration of the examination. Candidates will have 30 days after the results have been mailed to review their test and to file a written appeal. Call 215 686-0880 if you wish to schedule a test review.

Assigned to (view only)

Assigned to April Graham

Parts & Weights

Part Training & Experience Evaluation

Weight 100%